Optimum drying process
Endoscopes in our drying cabinets are stored in a vertical hanging position, allowing gravity to facilitate the drying process. Vertical hanging is recommended in endoscope manufacturer’s guidelines and is in compliance with the recommendations of the ESGE-ESGENA guideline 939.
Extended storage
Our drying cabinets guarantee a controlled and safe storage preserving the washed and disinfected state of the endoscope for up to 30 days.*
The extended storage period in a conditioned environment allows for more efficiency within the department by having timely access to the endoscopes when they are needed.
Designed to contribute to a safe and controlled treatment of flexible endoscopes. The WASSENBURG® DRY320 is a patented drying system that has been developed to provide ergonomic handling for its users, optimum endoscope positioning, and proven drying efficacy. Please visit our webpage at www.Wassenburgmedicalinc.com
Wassenburg Medical
144 Railroad Drive
Ivyland, PA 18974
Phone: 215 364 1477