InnerSpace, a Solaire Medical Company, today announced the launch of its Ventaire Scope Drying and Tracking Cabinet. Ventaire provides real-time tracking capabilities, online scope monitoring and features an automated system that continuously delivers HEPA-filtered pressurized air into endoscope channels to keep scopes dry and avoid reprocessing.
In addition to displaying real-time tracking information like storage durations and expiration times, the Ventaire Scope Drying and Tracking Cabinet generates a report detailing all scope activity.
“Effectively drying and storing endoscopes is critical for ensuring hygiene, prohibiting bacterial growth and potentially lowering infection rates,” said Ben Barber, president, InnerSpace. “Ventaire strengthens our position as a leader in medical storage by expanding the capabilities of our scope cabinet offering while providing significant value for healthcare systems that need to ensure infection prevention and meet industry standards.”
In addition to the scope drying and tracking cabinet, the Ventaire product line includes a scope tracking cabinet, retrofit scope drying and tracking cabinet and tracking units that can be field-installed in InnerSpace Evolve scope cabinets.
“Our Ventaire scope tracking cabinet offers a cost-effective and efficient way to track scope storage,” Barber said.
A unique aspect of the Ventaire product line is that it allows users to monitor cabinet activity and update scope inventory remotely through the InnerSpace Smart Solutions website.
The Ventaire Scope Drying and Tracking Cabinet system meets the 2021 Multisociety Task Force Scope Storage and Drying Guidelines and works with all major endoscope brands. For more information, please visit