TRICOR Systems Inc. Launches Dri-Scope Aid®Jet~Stream with Increased Flow
Dri-Scope Aid®Jet~Stream Assists in the Drying of the Internal Channels of an Endoscope.
Elgin, IL – SGNA Standards of Infection Control in Reprocessing of Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopes states: “Drying the endoscope after every reprocessing cycle, both between patient procedures and before storage, is a requisite practice crucial to the prevention of bacterial transmission and nosocomial infections.” “Drying is as important to the prevention of disease transmission and nosocomial infection as cleaning and HLD.” The Dri-Scope Aid® family of products have been on the forefront of finding a solution for every facility to dry their scopes properly after high-level disinfection. “There have been multiple studies done in the past year highlighting the risk of bacterial growth that can happen if an endoscope isn’t properly dried after it comes out of an AER. The assumption that alcohol and hanging are enough, has been proven not to work,” said George Cronin, National Sales Manager. “In the recently published study, Barakat MT, Huang RJ, Banerjee S. Comparison of automated and manual drying in the eliminating residual endscope working channel fluid after reprocessing. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (January 2019), Volume 89, Issue 1, Dr. Barakat changed the conversation from should we be drying to how are we going to dry. They showed that constant automated flow of air, outperformed 10 minutes of high psi manual air. It is the focus of the new Dri-Scope Aid®Jet~Stream to always have automated constant/consistent flow of HEPA filtered air with repeatable results”
TRICOR Systems Inc. is excited to announce the new Dri-Scope Aid®Jet~Stream standalone system with dual timer, .1 micron HEPA-filter, and the greatest amount of airflow on the market. The dual timer allows the operator to hook up two endoscopes (all major brands) with independent start and stop times. The individual timers will help with the flow and turnaround time in the reprocessing room.
The Dri-Scope Aid®Jet~Streamunit features a daily disposable tubing assembly, and individual scope connectors, to alleviate cross-contamination concerns. The scopes are simply attached to the daily tubing assembly via the connectors, the required time is set, and the start button pressed to initiate a continuous flow of HEPA-filtered air through the scope(s), freeing the technician for other duties. Timing can be set between 1 and 99 minutes using the unit’s digital display and touchpad controls. The Dri-Scope Aid®Jet~Streamunit is compact (10.2 inches tall by 6.8 inches wide and 9.5 inches deep), and weighs only 8 pounds. It is designed for countertops, wall mount or pole mount use.
For more information on Dri-Scope Aid®Jet~Stream, call 508-423-3223, e-mail and visit